My approach to bodywork began with Shiatsu and Oriental Medicine over 30 years ago, and I still enjoy the freedom of working on a futon.
Over the years I have enhanced my practice by studying and getting to know the body from a more Western view. I have gained a detailed anatomical knowledge of all the different, but connected, aspects of the body – muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, bones, fascia(connective tissue) and vital organs. This enables me, through touch, to be able to identify the part that is injured, vulnerable or dissociated in some way, and then help it to heal and reconnect with the rest of the body.
In the process the client, if willing, can also recognise the needs of this part and learn ways to support its healing. Thus the client can also be actively involved in his/her own healing process. I feel that combining knowledge from both the Eastern and Western systems gives depth and dimension to my work.
People come to me with a wide variety of conditions, and frequently find that they improve dramatically from the session – even when doctors have said that there is nothing more that they can do.
I am happy to work with all ages